How to commission a portrait, according to the Royal Society of Portrait Painters | The Gentleman’s Journal

The Gentleman’s Journal By Jonathan Wells Wednesday 11th January 2023   You can keep your front-facing cameras and countless megapixels — because real portraits can’t be found on your camera roll. Instead, commissioned portraits are intricately inked and painstakingly painted works of art; much more than a ‘mode’ on your smartphone. These portraits are personal; handcrafted heirlooms-in-waiting that…

Who are the top portrait artists for commissions of 2022?

Top ten artists in 2022 The most sought-after artists for portrait commissions 2022 were ascertained through data gathered through the Royal Society of Portrait Painters Annual Exhibition. This exhibition is a one-stop shop for commissioning a portrait because a consultant is present to help with commissions, and guide through the 200 recent portraits to choose…

Susan Ryder - Dog Portrait

Dog Portraits

When it comes to dog portraits, every dog-owner will know that each dog is as individual as its owner; something that the artist ignores at their peril.  Many of our Member artists enjoy painting dogs.  Dog portraits can either be included within a portrait of a person or as a work of art in their…

Valeriy Gridnev 'Natalia' Valeriy is one of the Portrait artists who can use photography

Portrait artists who use photography

Commissioning a painted portrait from photographs Portrait painters who use photography fall into two distinct groups: artists who have the ability to create a painted portrait from your photographs, and artists whose natural creative process involves using photography which is the group discussed here.   Portraits created using the artist’s own photography For many artists,…