Richard Foster 'The Inglis Family'

Top Portrait Painters 2019

We used our  Portrait Commissions Service to identify the most sought-after artists. Four Artists stood out in 2019; Two Member artists and two exhibiting artists top the most sought-after portrait artists during our Annual Exhibition. Richard Foster came out top among the Members. He exhibited four portrait commissions, two of which were family group portraits. …

G F Watts 'Lillie Langtry. The Dean's Daughter'

Lillie Langtry and the Evolution of the Muse

With George Frederic Watts’ portrait of 1870s socialite Lillie Langtry currently exhibiting in the Royal Society of Portrait Painters Annual Exhibition, we take a look at what it means to be a muse then and now. Lillie Langtry was the quintessential muse. A British-American actress, producer and socialite, she captivated 1870s London with her charm, talent…

Photo Must Be Credited ©Edward Lloyd/Alpha Press 080000 08/05/2019 Basia Briggs with ÔRose at HoughtonÕ by Phoebe Dickinson at the Royal Society of Portrait Painters Annual Exhibition Private View 2019 held at the Mall Galleries in The Mall, London.

Well-Known Figures at the Private View

Celebrities and portraits mingle, see Photographer, Edward Lloyd’s photos in his Diary News The country’s most knowledgeable portrait aficionados descended on the Mall Galleries in London’s The Mall for the Private View of the annual Royal Society of Portrait Painters Exhibition, to admire this prestigious show of over 200 recent portraits.  It celebrates the diversity…

The Times, cutting about our 2019 Portrait Exhibition

What the Press have picked up…

The National Press has already picked up on our 2019 exhibition.  The Times picked out two lovely portraits, ‘Rose at Houghton’ by Phoebe Dickinson and Miriam Escofet’s ‘Portrait with Chinoiserie Wallpaper’ and the Independent carries a piece on Anthony Connolly‘s portrait of the academic Dr Bateman who made headlines with her Brexit leaves Britain Naked…

Simon Davis photographed by Aliona Adrianova

Aliona Adrianova – Artist in the Portrait

Alongside our annual painted portrait exhibition there will be an exhibition of photography. As part of the ‘In the Studio‘ project Aliona Adrianova portrait photographer, was invited to capture Royal Society of Portrait Painters member artists in their creative spaces where they spend most of their time, thinking, researching, experimenting and creating work. She visited artists in their…