1991 - Her Majesty The Queen at Mall Galleries

The death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

On behalf of the membership of The Royal Society of Portrait Painters I wish to express our condolences to the Queen’s family and household. The Queen was our much-loved patron. She was painted many times, for many different occasions, by many members of this society. She is remembered by all for her generosity and her…

Winner of the 2020 Small Portrait Prize

Small Portraits at the RP

This year the Royal Society of Portrait Painters awarded a new prize for the best small portrait. This prize attracted a cohort of diverse and intriguing submissions as well as an increased amount of attention from our visitors. Not only did they pause to spend time with this collection of small portraits, but they also…

G F Watts 'Lillie Langtry. The Dean's Daughter'

Lillie Langtry and the Evolution of the Muse

With George Frederic Watts’ portrait of 1870s socialite Lillie Langtry currently exhibiting in the Royal Society of Portrait Painters Annual Exhibition, we take a look at what it means to be a muse then and now. Lillie Langtry was the quintessential muse. A British-American actress, producer and socialite, she captivated 1870s London with her charm, talent…