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MIRIAM ESCOFET & TIM BENSON RP’s | Meam Museum exhibition

Tim Benson RP, ‘Nick Frost’   Miriam Escofet & Tim Benson RP’s Are Two of 60 of the most prominent international figurative painters exhibiting at MEAM Museum’s exhibition titled ‘Realism Now’. With thanks to the MEAM Museum and its director Jordi Diaz Alamà.   When? On NOW – 30th May Where? MEAM Museum, Barcelona    …

Prizes For Portraiture

Andrew James RP, ‘Reverie’ - Winner of the The Ondaatje Prize for Portraiture
Andrew James RP, ‘Reverie’ - Winner of the The Ondaatje Prize for Portraiture


Smallwood Architects
The Ondaatje Foundation
The De Laszlo Archive Trust